

Depending on where you live delivery will vary; estimates are given below:

  • Victoria – 2 clear business days (often 1 clear business day)
  • SA, NSW, ACT – 2 clear business days.
  • QLD, TAS – 4 clear business days.
  • Perth, NT – 5 clear business days.

The delivery of the artificial hedges, vertical gardens and plants may vary to remote towns (more than 50km out of the CBD may take an extra 2-3 days).

If you need your order delivered urgently please call us on 1800 617 341 to discuss the options and costs and we will be able to provide express delivery costs and expedite processing of your artificial plants / green walls.

Rest assured, there are plenty of options should you require a specialised service that we can get quotes for to ensure your artificial plant delivery arrives (please note online options and free shipping) do not come with a guarantee on delivery times.

International deliveries vary significantly so ensure you contact us to discuss.

Please note these times do not apply to back-ordered items or custom made items. Christmas, New Year holidays and public holidays will impact your delivery time.

Delivery costs do vary based on the item (size) and location. As a typical indication the delivery cost is between $15 and $30 for your order. Exact pricing will be shown at checkout upon entering your postcode.

Click & Collect is available from Moorabbin, Victoria.

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