Fire Tested Green Walls in Certified Australian Laboratory
Our philosophy from the beginning has been about offering clients the best possible products. With this in mind, we pioneered Australia’s first artificial green wall recycling program and have been offering the market Global Recycling Standard certified products.
In addition to our commitment to recycling we also introduced ROHS complaint vertical gardens and green walls, and now we build on the tradition of empowering our customers by obtaining certified Australian based fire testing of our Premium Select Range Green Walls.
Our tests were conducted in accordance with AS/NZS 1530.3-1999 Part 3 which seeks to test and assess building materials and components according to:
- Their tendency to ignite
- Their tendency to propagate flame
- The heat they release once ignition has occurred; and
- Their tendency to release smoke[1]
What happened with our fire tested green walls?
An independent expert laboratory, immediately prior to conducting these tests, conditioned panels to a constant mass, at a temperature of 20 ± 2°C and a relative humidity of 65 ± 5%.
6 samples were subjected to fire testing at the expert fire testing laboratory.
The fire testing provided a range of results with respect to regulatory indices, with results revealing the ignitability, spread of flame index, the heat evolved index and smoke developed index.
Important things to note
Within Australia (as at the time of writing this report) there is no Australian Standard for fire rating of artificial plants, however, there are many building regulations that operate within Australia with respect to flammability, smoke and other fire related characteristics.
It is important you check with your builder, surveyor, engineers and fire specialists to make sure your design and build comply with such guidelines, regulations and laws.
In assessing the suitability of a product, such as a green wall – consideration may be given to proximity to fire escapes, fire ratings of walls, the height of the building, the type of construction (commercial, retail or residential as examples), or a range of other factors.
Please ensure that you request the fire tested green wall reports from us prior to placing an order and seek independent advice before making any purchasing decision.
View our independently certified reports
Designer Plants is unable to provide any advice on the suitability of the product as we are not fire engineers, or licenced building surveyors, rather suppliers of Australia’s leading green walls, vertical gardens and fake plants.
To learn more about our green walls please check out the green wall blog here.
You can contact us using the below link to request a quote or further information about green walls for Designer Plants Select Range.
Please note we require all fields to be filled in to receive a report, to ensure we are dealing with a genuine customer – unfortunately, some companies use other people’s fire reports to pass them off as their own and we want to ensure that the highest levels of integrity are observed as fire is a serious matter.
The reports for fire tested green walls are not to be altered or reproduced in any way and will be provided upon request.